What to Expect If You Are A Guest….
Frequently Asked Questions Where do I go when I get in the building? On Sunday for worship park anywhere around the building and enter on the East Side of the building. I’m coming for worship; what do I do with my children? We welcome children of ALL ages in our worship spaces. We encourage families to worship together as children are very much a part of the body of Christ! Children will have the opportunity to go to Children's Church after Children's time. They will return to worship after closing hymn. Do I need a mask? Masks are not required to be worn while in the building. What is the worship service like? Here at Washburn, we have service on Sunday Morning at 9:00 AM in the Sanctuary. What do I need to wear? Most weeks I wear jeans and shirt, sometimes even untucked! What is important is that you know the church loves you no matter how causal or dressed up you are. Am I expected to give when the offering plate comes around? Visitors are only encouraged to give if they feel called to give. If you should feel led to give. Will I have to stand and be recognized as a visitor? No! We are so glad you are here, and we want to make you feel comfortable during your visit, so we promise we won’t do anything to embarrass you or place undue attention on you. Will you show up at my house unannounced if I fill out the Guest Information card? No! We promise to honor your privacy. However, we would love a chance to follow up with you by text, email, or phone just to let you know how glad we are that you were here and answer any questions you might have about the church. What do I do when I’m ready to join? Here at Washburn, it is as easy as telling the pastor you would like to join the church. If you are thinking about joining, please contact the pastor and he will be happy to walk you through the process |